
Answers :-)

Saturday, February 7, 2015

What do you eat for breakfast?
Every morning I have a bowl of porridge with soya milk and a banana. I also drink peppermint tea every morning with my breakfast :).

What qualities do you wish to have as a woman?
I want to be considered a strong, kind and loving woman :).

What inspired you to start blogging?
I started reading blogs and watching youtube videos since I was fourteen so after a few years I thought it was time that I have my own space on the internet .. :-)

 What is your favourite makeup brand?
I think it has to be mac !

What is your favourite makeup product?
Definitely my liquid liner <3

Do you prefer rainy days or sunny days?
2 years ago living in France I would have said rainy days but now that I'm in Ireland, definitely sunny days !

What is your occupation?
I am a full time international business student :)

What are your top 3 wardrobe essentials?
1. My black jeans 
2. Knee high boots
3. My shirts

What are your fave hobby?
I have to say makeup, but reading and photography comes close ..

What is your dream job?
I actually don't know my dream job yet. All I know is I want to love what I do :)

Do you have any pets? 
I don't, but I would love a little pomeranian :p

What are your goals in life? 
To be happy, to do what I love & be succesful.

Thanks so much for all of your questions :) <3.

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